Mrs. Sheryl Hill » Mrs. Sheryl Hill's Home Page

Mrs. Sheryl Hill's Home Page

"It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge."  Albert Einstein
Welcome 6th grade students and parents to the new school year!  My name is Mrs. Sheryl Hill and I am excited about the opportunity to get to know you.  I’m looking forward to a happy and productive school year.  I will do my best to make learning fun, interesting and engaging!

I will be your teacher for English and Ancient Civilizations.

We will be using the StudySync  textbook/workbook in English Language Arts. 
You will learn to become better readers and writers by writing five-paragraph essays, short stories, research papers, and poems.

In Ancient Civilizations, we will study map skills, geography, early humans, and the ancient histories of Mesopotamia (present day Iraq), Egypt, Kush, Israel, Mesoamerica, India, China, Greece, and Rome.

We will be using the Glencoe Ancient Civilizations textbook and workbook(s).
Classroom Behavior Expectations
1.            Be in your seat, ready to learn before the tardy bell rings.
2.            Bring all necessary materials to class.  (No electronic devices)
3.            Respect yourself, others and school property.
4.            Leave all food, drinks and GUM outside the classroom.
First offense:          Verbal warning
Second offense:      Detention
Third offense:          Phone call home
Fourth offense:        Parent conference
Every time you are absent, you are responsible for talking to me or another responsible student about what you missed. Excessive absences (7 or more) during a grading period will result in a U in work habits. You will also lose a lot of points, as not all work can be made up. If you have a special circumstance, please make arrangements with me.

You are required to read for at least 30 minutes daily.  Reading more frequently will help you develop and improve your reading comprehension skills, as well as your writing skills.  Feel free to read anything that interests you (books, magazines, comic books, newspapers, internet articles, etc). 

English homework will be given Monday-Thursday.  Ancient Civilizations homework will be given three-four times a week.
Late/Make-up Work
Late work will not be accepted.  If you are absent, you are allowed one day for each day of an excused absence to make-up the assignment. 
Being Tardy
You must be in your seat ready to work when the bell rings.  If you have more than two  tardies in one week, your parents/guardians will be called and you will be issued detention.
Reader’s/Writer’s Notebook
Your notebook will count as a significant part of your grade. Content, volume, thoughtfulness, and neatness will matter. Your notebook will be kept in class and may not be taken home.
You will be graded on a standard-based letter grade system.
100-90% = A      Outstanding work, exceeds standards
  89-80% = B      Above average work, exceeds standards
  79-70% = C      Average work, meets standards
  69-60% = D      Below average work, does not meet standards
    59-0% = F      Significantly below average work, does not meet standards
Grading Scale
Class work                                      40%
Homework                                       20%
Essays/Tests/Projects                    40%
Items not allowed in class
•   Cell phones (phones must be turned off and kept in backpacks or pockets at all   times, NO EXCUSES!!!)
•   iPods, MP3 players, PSPs or any sort of electronic devices
•   Any items not related to school that could cause a disturbance
Failure to comply can result in parent contact and confiscation of item. The item will not be returned until the end of the day.
What Can Parents Do?
It is easy to fall behind if the student is unmotivated, disorganized, and inattentive.  Please take time with your child to check their homework planner/agenda book, and review their  homework. Make sure they read for a minimum of 30 minutes daily. Ask questions about the book they are reading. Ask how they are doing in school and what can you do to help them. Have your son/daughter complete their assignments in a clear and quiet area, where there are no interruptions. Make sure your student gets enough rest by going to bed early and by eating a good breakfast each morning.  Studies have shown that involved/engaged parents produce successful students.